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Deti Ježiškovi… vianočné pesničky

3,79 4,74 

The most famous Christmas carols and songs performed by talented young soloists.

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SKU: PA 0017-2-331
Categories: Christmas music

The most famous Christmas carols and songs, this time performed by young talented soloists. Dear children’s voices with musical accompaniment’re sure to delight every human heart and create Christmas mood.

1. Pospešte sem, pastúškovia 3:50
2. Pastieri, pastieri 2:55
3. Aký je to svit 3:43
4. Pôjdeme mi do Betléma 1:49
5. Ó, chýr preblahý 2:58
6. Narodil sa Kristus Pán 3:34
7. Sem pastieri 3:15
8. Búvaj, Dieťa krásne 4:40
9. Do hory, do lesa 3:28
10. Ó, Ježišku 3:15
11. Nesiem Vám noviny 3:34
12. Tichá noc 6:33

Children sing: Ľubka Kurtulíková, Zuzka Brišáková, Karol Kurtulík, Evička Ptačinová
Music: Rudolf Pepucha
Sound: Rostislav Pavlik


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