Šecki sa peknie do jednieho…

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Slovak folklore from Liptov

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SKU: PA 0072-2-731
Categories: Slovak folklore

1. Pltnícke piesne (Lúčky) 4.04

2. Zamiluvanie (dolný Liptov) 3.17

3. Siruotka (svadobná pieseň z Likavky) 2.09

4. Uš som sa vidala (Likavka) 3.01

5. Komu sa potúžim? (Likavka) 3.41

6. Hajenki… (uspávanky z Liptovských Sliačov) 3.55

7. Pesnički s krštenia (Likavka) 3.26

8. Na lúkach (trávnice z Likavky) 3.22

9. Regrúcke (Likavka) 3.34

10. O pltníkoch (dolný Liptov) 4.32

11. Roskezuvački (Likavka) 3.05

12. U zelenej rakiti… (dolný Liptov) 3.47

13. Amerikánskie (Likavka) 3.10

14. Dobreže je tím slovenskím ženám… (Rojkov) 2.38


The male singing group Likava from Likavka

Ján Mudička ml., Ján Mudička st., Pavol Marton, Juraj Pšeno, Jozef Haluška, Eduard Hrčka, Jozef Nemček, Dušan Hušla, Stanislav Huba, Ján Mišovie

Women’s singing group

Andrea Jágerová, Margita Jágerová, Eva Gallová, Lucia Luptáková, Katarína Michňová • sólo spev Margita Jágerová (8, 14)

Ľudová hudba pod vedením Jany Ambrózovej

Jana Ambrózová – prím (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)

Jana Ambrózová – drumbľa (3)

Andrej Turčin – I. husle (1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14)

Miroslav Kapec – II. husle (1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14)

Matej Šajgalík – kontra (1, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14)

Zuzana Chabanová – kontra (1, 5, 7, 9, 13, 14)

Deniel Bebej – kontra (2, 4, 10)

Ján Kulfas – kontra (2, 4, 10)

Marian Lihan – kontrabas (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14)

Peter Šoltés – cimbal (1, 6, 7, 14)

Alžbeta Lukáčová – cimbal (4, 10)

Branislav Bielik – violončelo (12)

Peter Škoda – akordeón (9, 13)

Dušana Lehocká – flauta (12)

Realizácia nahrávky: apríl 2007, apríl 2009 • Dramaturgia: Andrea Jágerová • Výber a zostava piesní: Andrea Jágerová

Hudobné spracovanie: Alžbeta Lukáčová • Zvukový majster: Boris Dobiš (2, 4, 10), Rostislav Pavlík (1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14)

Hudobná réžia: Juraj Dubovec (2, 4, 10), Alžbeta Lukáčová (1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14) • Grafický dizajn: © Martin Vojtek

Produkcia: Rostislav Pavlík – PAVLÍK RECORDS

… šecki sa peknie do jednieho… so our grandmother used to tell. It was an excellent singer. Few people knew that about her because they never nor submitted to the public. Should not your favorite song by song it was all nice when they sing nicely.

Mgr. Andrea Jágerová

I appreciate the contribution of Andrey Jágerovej research culture, especially songs from her native Likavka that through it again “revived” previously unknown traditional song repertoire. I want to express our thanks and admiration artist, and zostavovateľke zberateľke songs that enrich our region of forgotten melodies. I wish they let you in this way will find many generous people.

Mgr. art. Director Miroslav Palánová Liptovský Cultural Branch Office

Lower Liptov is nice and rich region. And so are his songs – varied in its unity. Prompt on the one hand and the other special nostalgic. One is the ancient tune, sounded more like the second in Ružomberok dancery … Such a variable form and CD received Jágerovej singer Andrea. We wanted to feel it was the harsh beauty of the old games load Liptov musicians and songs. In doing so, we did not hesitate to put more songs and new styled clothes, but which was created in an effort to highlight the beauty of songs separate category. Adventure training with all the great and enthusiastic singers and musicians us so intensely absorbed as a self-ing songs … For me the discovery of lower Liptov experience.

Mgr. Elizabeth Lukáčová ethnomusicological

“Good” native is not only one who will remain forever in his hometown, and it improves it, but that what it despite the distance, which he separated from him, and proudly forget to report it. Although these songs are the evidence and all who contributed to preparing this CD, you certainly wish that our Likava dolnoliptovské songs and exceeded the bounds of its birthplace. Mgr. Margita Jágerová, PhD. ethnological, teacher at the University in Nitra folk songs coming from Likavka are very lucky that was not lost in oblivion thanks Likava folk group that they have in their repertoire, and regularly presents its performances. The selection of songs and making Likava FSK is not our native A. Jágerová who no longer lives in Likavka period. Her heart formation and cooperation remained in the beautiful valley between Choco, Munich and CEBRE. Songs from Likavka collected and processed in his beautiful book … Seck was nice to jednieho … Thanks to her efforts now coming to light her sound is not processed in the form of CD that will surely delight anyone who loves his homeland and has respect for their ancestors.

Vladimir split mayor Likavka


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