Z albumu VUS Technik

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Profile CD of folklore ensemble Technik from Bratislava

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Categories: Slovak folklore

Folklore ensemble Technik from Bratislava

Vrchárska hudba z Podzámčoka
1.Akože ja ako
2. Zvrtlo sa koliesko
Chorovody z Hrušova
3.Haja ďunďa haja
4.V záhumni zahradka
5. Ak som ti ja maličká
Tri gajdošské z Kokavy
6.Dán dán komu dán
7.Zadudaj mi dudášisko
8. Baśa náš
Krucena, čardáš a polky zo Šariša
9.Idze idze
10.Ej na lúčky
11. Bajerovské polky
Svadobné z Horňácka
12. Keby sem umrela
13. Můj věnečku
14. Děkuju Ti miłý
15. Preletěła vlaštověnka
16. Škodu mám
17.Tůlali sa młádenci
18.Horňácký verbuňk
Dievčenská pieseň z Tekova
19.Poznať od deľaka – koncertantná
skladba pre sólo cimbal a spev
Goralské spevy a tance (Podhalie)
20. Nebedže špyvala
21. Pôzyň ši ik
22.Chôdžila jem kôlo goja – polky
23.Ej Křivaňu
24. Gôrole,gôrole
25. Tanec
Všivákovské z Ponik
26.koncertantná skladba pre sólo husle a orchester
Ženské spevy z Vernára
27. Dobre ženom
28.Či to tu
29. Ej na most

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Dievčenská spevácka skupina pod vedením Lucie Turiničovej: 3, 4, 5, 15, 17, 20, 21 , 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29
Dominika Hromníková, Miroslava Chudášová, Petra Karolusová, Marína Kovac, Alexandra Medlenová, Lucia Otrubová , Anita Ribar, Lenka Sokolová, Veronika Srogončíková, Lucia Turiničová, Monika Zapletalová, Michaela Zeleňanská

Mužská spevácka skupina: 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 23, 29
Ján Babič, Matúš Čakurda, Martin Dravecký , Michal Filip, Jozef Hudák, Martin Malinič, Jakub Matejka, Martin Meško, Juraj Murín

Sólo spev:
Lenka Demovičová – 1, 19
Miroslava Chudášová – 9
Dominika Hromníková – 12
Lucia Otrubová – 28
Lenka Sokolová – 22
Veronika Srogončíková – 28
Lucia Turiničová – 4, 13, 15
Petra Vraňáková – 1, 9, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27
Monika Zapletalová – 5, 9, 14, 15, 28
Ján Babič 16
Michal Filip – 6, 7, 8
Jakub Matejka -2
Martin Zlomek – 14

Sólisti inštrumentalisti:
Juraj Murín – husle -25, 26
Jozef Hudák – husle -9, 10, 11
Petra Vraňáková – husle – 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
Beáta Selková – druhé husle – 9, 10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
Lenka Demovičová – cimbal – 19
Lukáš Lacko – gajdy – 6, 7, 8
Martin Malinič – tamburína – 9, 10, 11

Ľudový orchester pod vedením Juraja Murína:
Primáš: Juraj Murín
1. husle: Jozef Hudák
2. husle: Petra Vraňáková, Beáta Selková, Jakub Matejka
Violy: Michal Filip, Matúš Čakurda
Cimbal: Lenka Demovičová
Kontrabas: Boris Pozdech

Hudobné spracovanie: Štefan Molota

Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave
Vysokoškolský umelecký súbor – Folklórny súbor Technik STU
Mgr.art. Ľubica Mešková – riaditeľka VUS Technik STU
Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava
Tel : + 421 905 509 327

The recording was supported by a grant of the Ministry of Culture.

Produkcia / Production: Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave , Pro Technik STU – Folklórny súbor Technik STU
Hudobná réžia / Music director: Štefan Molota
Dramaturgia / Dramaturgy: Ľubica Mešková, Štefan Molota
Zvukový majster , mastering/ Sound engeneer , Mastering: Rostislav Pavlík
Nahraté v: Účelové zariadenie Gabčíkovo STU
Foto/ Photo: Mgr.art. Julián Veverica
Grafický dizajn / Desing: Martin Vojtek

Academic artistic ensemble TECHNIK:
TECHNIK is an academic artistic folklore ensemble, established in 1953 under the patronage of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. The group consists of three main sections – music, dance and singing. For several years Technik belongs to one of the best and the most successful folklore groups in Slovakia. We are multiple winner of international academic folklore festivals organised at home and abroad. Folklore ensemble Technik presents traditions from various regions of Slovakia with emphasis on maintaining local specifics of dancing, singing and musical expression.

Štefan Molota -Music Author :
When I was asked by Ľubka Mešková for author cooperation to study a new music program „Z ALBUMU“, whose dramaturgy was supposed to be traditional, slovak music culture, I firstly checked artistic abilities of the members, to be able to make it – so to say: “tailor-made”. I was pleasantly surprised with their musical abilities and mainly with their perception of the artistic-esthetical values of Slovak folklore songs and music, as well as their genre specifics. I have to say, that these young people are amazing, talented and it was a great pleasure working with them. The result of their effort is on this CD and it will speak for itself.

Ľubica Mešková – Director :
The artistic work „Z ALBUMU“ was made and is devoted to You, who love traditional Slovak music and its unique sound. It was created on the base of characteristic diversity of individual regions with the goal to preserve something so beautiful and at the same time so fragile and rare. We hope that you will feel those pleasant Goosebumps from lovable music and extraordinary singing, as much as we enjoyed it, while creating this remarkable piece of art.
On behalf of all the artists cooperating on its creation, I would like to wish you pleasant „listening“.

Lucia Turiničová – leader of the singing group:
I would like to thank to all singers, to the former and present ones, that they have been searching for interesting song material and later on, with all due respect and love, studied under the professional lead of Štefan Molota. I hope everyone who will listen to this CD, will also receive a bit of our singing heart as well.

Juraj Murín – leader of the music group:
This record is a result of our common love to Slovak folklore song and as well our dream, that came true into this CD under the guidance of extraordinary pedagogues. It is an honor and dream of every musician to cooperate with the legend of the Slovak folklore music – Štefan Molota and as well with the people in the band who are connected with one same dream – to preserve beautiful magic of the Slovak folklore music for future generations.


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